Wednesday, November 12, 2014

10 Ways to Make a More Sleep Friendly Bedroom

We do our best to help our patients get the best sleep possible by treating their sleep apnea with the oral appliance. However, sometimes more is needed. Here are 10 adjustments you can consider if you are still not feeling as refreshed in the morning as you'd like.

1. Make it dark
Light and darkness are powerful cues that tell your brain it's time to rest or get you ready for a productive day. So it's no surprise that light in the bedroom (as well as light peeking in from outside) has an impact on the quality of your sleep. Dimming the lights about an hour before bedtime will help regulate your body clock and tell your brain that it's time to shift into sleep mode. At home, use room darkening shades and curtains to keep it dark at night.

2. Make it quiet
If this is a problem, sound conditioners mask noises that can disturb your sleep and create a consistent and soothing backdrop throughout the night.

3. Create a healthy environment
Controlling nighttime allergies is a great way to improve your sleep. Keep your room clean and use pillow and mattress protectors to help protect against allergens, dust mites, bed bugs, bacteria, mold and mildew.

4. Create comfort
Welcome bedtime with a mattress and pillows that are comfortable to you. It's up to you whether you have a soft or firm mattress - make that decision based on personal preference and your typical sleeping position (although side sleeping is best). The right pillow can improve the quality of your sleep. It allows you to rest comfortably in your ideal sleeping position and supports your head and neck in a neutral position, allowing for better sleep. Drift off to sleep with soft sheets and blankets that smell clean and fresh. Choose textures and colors that will soothe, like crisp cottons, luxurious down comforters, and pale, soft blues, greens or greys.

5. Keep cool
A cool room, typically between 60 and 67 degrees, makes for the best sleep.

6. Turn off electronics
Falling asleep with the TV on can interrupt your sleep. Unlike white noise, TV sounds are contantly changing in tone and volume. Store your phone and other electronic devices away from the bed. Light emitted from computer screens and other electronic devices close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. Instead, spend the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading, and try a sound conditioner or a fan if you don't like a quiet bedroom.

7. Relax and invite sleep
To help clear your mind before bed, try a breathing exercise or relaxation technique.

8. Eat sleep friendly foods
Keep your snacks light when eating at night. Try a banana and a handful of almonds, or a cup of chamomile tea. All of these foods have sleep-inducing properties. Avoid stimulants like caffeine - which can be found in everything from tea to chocolate - after 2:00pm, as the effects can linger for many hours.

9. Use relaxing scents
Include scents in your bedtime routine to help relax and unwind. Lavender is one scent that improves mood and increases relaxation. You can use scents in your bedroom that you like best, like honey, jasmine or lavender.

10. Exercise
Exercise is great for sleep. Exercise at any time of day, but not at the expense of your sleep.
As all of our patient's can attest, Dr. Callender feels very strongly about the need for his sleep apnea patients to sleep on their side. A recent article from the National Sleep Foundation highlighted the "Best Sleep Positions for Sleep Apnea Sufferers". Here is what they had to say:

Side Sleeping

Rest on one side, slightly curled with your knees bent. Use a supportive pillow for your head that keeps your spine in alignment. Side sleeping can be made better by placing a pillow between your knees.

To help you do this, you can sew a pocket or pin a sock on the back of your pajamas and place an object like a tennis ball (we recommend a whiffle ball) into it. You'll detect an attempt to lie flat on your back during the night and you can adjust back to a side sleeping position. This may also mean that it's time to check out a new mattress - a worn-out mattress is often uncomfortable for side sleeping.

Upright sleeping

Elevate your head significantly while you sleep to improve your breathing. You can use multiple pillows or even try a specially designed wedge pillow to achieve this position. Some beds offer moveable support that allows you to raise the mattress to help accommodate upright sleeping.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

House Passes Bill Regarding Pilots and OSA

There is growing awareness and therefore growing concern regarding undiagnosed sleep disorders in pilots. The US House of Representatives passed a bill that would require that a specific rulemaking process be followed before regulations could be changed regarding the screening and treatment of pilots for obstructive sleep apnea. The goal of the bill is to help create policy changes that will help identify more effective and less intrusive ways of identifying at risk pilots in order to keep everyone flying safely. This issue was reported by Sleep Review Magazine.